My name is Lorena. My surname is Castro.
I am 15 years old.
My birthday is on 2nd of .
I live is on Térmens.
My address is house Nr 6 Joan Bautista Xuriguera.
My neighbours are Pili and Montse.
I attend Almata school.
I like friends, books and teacher's.
These are my favourite subjects. I like school.
I like spanish ing, english ing and entrepreneurship.
These are my hobbies.
I don't like to walk, to sleep and party.
I have got to run, P.E, music in the school and to cry, so our family is big. I like my family, it's bery friendly.
I have got dog. It's my pet.
I like English very much, because it's difficult.
I promise to do my best during English lessons.
Nice to meet you, teacher! I like.
Good! 7/10